Remember to make something people want

This is the first part of a two-chapter growth guide. An article on “Turning on the growth engine” will follow.

While I built this guide for personal use, I made it public so everyone can benefit from it and especially give feedback to improve it.

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Main sources of information for this guide: Chamath Palihapitiya, Andy Johns, Sean Ellis, Jürgen Klarić, Andrew Chen

1. Identify your AHA moment

Checking on your PMF before anything else might be your best growth hack


Organize your customer data

While tracking quantitative data like repeat purchases, CAC, LTV, etc may sound like the most basic thing to do in a startup, I’ll start this guide strong by saying that Emotions account for around 90% of a buyers decision driver, and therefore you should track as well why people bought (or did the action we wanted) to scale it up later on.

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